Medical Estetic - Online sale of equipment for beauty centers and pharmacies | ItalianoMedical Estetic - Online sale of equipment for beauty centers and pharmacies | IngleseMedical Estetic - Online sale of equipment for beauty centers and pharmacies | Francese

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The best brands of equipment and furnishings for aesthetics

to furnish your beauty center entrusted to professionals.

Request a personalized quote to furnish your beauty center, your spa or your beauty salon. Our staff will find the solution that best suits your needs and tastes.

Contact us now!

Medical Estetic - Online sale of equipment for beauty centers and pharmacies

Online sale of equipment and furnishing solutions
for beauty salons, medical offices,
beauty salons and spas.

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Medical Estetic – P.IVA: 07937750961
Via Sondrio, 21 - 20835 Muggiò (MB)
T. 348.7092335 – M.

Opening hours
from monday to friday
9:00 – 12:30 / 14:00 – 17:30

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