Micromotori Frese | ItalianoMicromotori Frese | IngleseMicromotori Frese | Francese

CUSTOMER CARE: 348.7092335 - info@medicalestetic.it


Manicure Nails Micromotori Frese

Viva 601 PRO fresa micromotore portatile a batteria per manicure

Code: AT49673

€ 244,00

Viva 602 Pro fresa micromotore per manicure pedicure

Code: AS1449674

€ 244,00

Marathon Multi800S BS50C FS60 Micromotore fresa nails

Code: as149719

€ 1.234,00

Marathon Multi800 BS50C Micromotore fresa nails

Code: as149718

€ 1.234,00

J202 Fresa micromotore per manicure pedicure 35000 giri

Code: as147799

€ 54,00


Micromotori Frese

Online sale of equipment and furnishing solutions
for beauty salons, medical offices,
beauty salons and spas.

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Medical Estetic – P.IVA: 07937750961
Via Sondrio, 21 - 20835 Muggiò (MB)
T. 348.7092335 – M. info@medicalestetic.it

Opening hours
from monday to friday
9:00 – 12:30 / 14:00 – 17:30

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