Acqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 lt | ItalianoAcqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 lt | IngleseAcqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 lt | Francese

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Accessori Acqua F.U. Acqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 lt

Acqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 ltAcqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 ltAcqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 ltAcqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 lt

Acqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 lt



For liquid-cooled equipment circuit cooling

Diode laser - IPL pulsed light

The Highly Purified Water F.U. is obtained from the passage of Purified Water F.U. in a system that includes: filters for the removal of T.O.C., 0.45 micron filters, U.V. sterilisers and semiosmosis membranes. Upon leaving the plant, it is packaged in a sterile hood without storage in tanks, a step that could alter its high quality. What is obtained is non-pyrogenic water with a conductivity lower than one microsiemens.

The very high quality level makes this product versatile and suitable for infinite uses such as the production of drugs in general, use in analysis laboratories, hospitals and in all areas where the use of a product with a low bacterial charge combined with an electrical conductivity lower than the normal standards of commercial products.
Each production batch undergoes constant checks throughout the production line in order to obtain approval for placing on the market. To confirm this process, at the request of the customer it is possible to obtain a certificate of conformity relating to the lot purchased.

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Acqua ionizzata F.U. Tanica 5 lt

Online sale of equipment and furnishing solutions
for beauty salons, medical offices,
beauty salons and spas.

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Medical Estetic – P.IVA: 07937750961
Via Sondrio, 21 - 20835 Muggiò (MB)
T. 348.7092335 – M.

Opening hours
from monday to friday
9:00 – 12:30 / 14:00 – 17:30

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